Islamic Bayan
Islamic Bayan
Islamic Bayan
Islamic Bayan
Islamic Bayan
1- O you who wraps himself [in clothing] 2- Arise [to pray] the night, except for a little – 3- Half of it – or subtract from it a little 4- Or add to it, and recite the Qur’an with measured recitation. 5- Indeed, We will cast upon you a heav
1. By the charging horses that gallop (in the battlefield) and pant, 2. And those that produce sparks striking their hoofs on rocks, 3. Then they attack (the enemy) at dawn, 4. And then raise clouds of dust from the point (of attack), 5. And then simultaneousl
1. The high-scale jolt rocking (the whole universe of the heavens and the earth) and thunder! 2. And what is that high-scale jolt rocking (everything) and that thunder? 3. And what have you made out what the high-scale jolt and thunder implies? 4. (It implies)
1. Your greed for massive wealth and the superiority complex has made you negligent (of the Hereafter), 2. Until you go down to the graves. 3. No indeed! You will soon learn (this reality that wealth and riches will avail you nothing). 4. Again (you are warned
1. By the passing time (whose rotation bears witness to the affairs of mankind). Or By the Prayer of declining day (‘Asr, for this Prayer is the middle of all Prayers). Or By the declining time of the day, (when the sun, after shining for the whole day, pres
1. Woe to everyone who slanders (face to face) and finds fault (in absence)! 2. (Woe to him) who accumulates wealth and keeps counting it! 3. He thinks that his riches will keep him alive forever. 4. By no means! He will certainly be cast into al-Hutama (the c
1. Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with those who had elephants? 2. Did He not thwart their crafty designs? 3. And He sent on to them (ambient) swarms of birds, 4. Which pelted them with stone-hard slugs. 5. Then (Allah made them perish) like chewed-up c
1. To awake drive amongst the Quraysh, 2. They were acclimatized to the summer and winter (commercial) trips. 3. So they should worship the Lord of this (Sacred) House (Ka‘ba, to give Him thanks), 4. Who has fed them in hunger (i.e., provided them sustenance
Read Holy Quran al-Fātihah (the Opening) al-Baqarah (the Cow) Āl ‘Imrān (the Family of ‘Imrān) an-Nisā’ (Women) al-Mā’idah (the Table spread) al-An‘ām (the Cattle) al-A‘rāf (the Heights) al-Anfāl (Spoils of war) at-Tawbah (Repentance) Yūn
1. Have you seen him who denies the Din (Religion)? 2. So he is the one who pushes away the orphan (i.e., rejects the needs of the orphans and deprives them of their right), 3. And does not promote the cause of feeding the poor (i.e., does not strive to end th
1. Indeed, We have bestowed on you an infinite abundance (every kind of superiority, bliss and bounty).* * Al-Kawthar has various connotations: The reservoir of al-Kawthar, the stream in Paradise, the Holy Qur’an, the Prophethood and the Prophetic wisdom, li
1. Say: ‘O disbelievers! 2. I do not worship those (idols) that you worship. 3. Nor do you worship (the Lord) Whom I worship. 4. And I shall never worship those (idols) that you worship. 5. Nor will you (ever) worship (the Lord) Whom I worship. 6. (So) you h
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