Read Holy Quran



Read Holy Quran

  1. al-Fātihah (the Opening)
  2. al-Baqarah (the Cow)
  3. Āl ‘Imrān (the Family of ‘Imrān)
  4. an-Nisā’ (Women)
  5. al-Mā’idah (the Table spread)
  6. al-An‘ām (the Cattle)
  7. al-A‘rāf (the Heights)
  8. al-Anfāl (Spoils of war)
  9. at-Tawbah (Repentance)
  10. Yūnus (Jonah)
  11. Hūd (Hud)
  12. Yūsuf (Joseph)
  13. ar-Ra‘d (Thunder)
  14. Ibrāhīm (Abraham)
  15. al-Hijr (the Rocky tract)
  16. an-Nahl (the Bee)
  17. al-Isrā’ (the Night journey)
  18. al-Kahf (the Cave)
  19. Maryam (Mary)
  20. Tāhā
  21. al-Ambiyā’ (the Prophets)
  22. al-Hajj (the Pilgrimage)
  23. al-Mu’minūn (the Believers)
  24. an-Nūr (the Light)
  25. al-Furqān (the Criterion)
  26. ash-Shu‘arā’ (the Poets)
  27. an-Naml (the Ants)
  28. al-Qasas (the Narratives)
  29. al-‘Ankabūt (the Spider)
  30. ar-Rūm (the Roman Empire)
  31. Luqmān
  32. as-Sajdah (Prostration)
  33. al-Ahzāb (the Confederates)
  34. Saba’ (Sheba)
  35. Fātir (the Originator)
  36. Yāsīn
  37. as-Sāffāt (Those ranged in ranks)
  38. Sād
  39. az-Zumar (the Troops)
  40. Ghāfir (The Forgiving)
  41. Fussilat (Clearly spelled out)
  42. ash-Shūrā (the Consultation)
  43. az-Zukhruf (Ornaments of gold)
  44. ad-Dukhān (Smoke)
  45. al-Jāthiyah (the Kneeling)
  46. al-Ahqāf (the Sand-dunes)
  47. Muhammad
  48. al-Fath (Victory)
  49. al-Hujurāt (The Apartments)
  50. Qāf
  51. adh-Dhāriyāt (the Scattering winds)
  52. at-Tūr (Mount Sinai)
  53. an-Najm (the Star)
  54. al-Qamar (the Moon)
  55. ar-Rahmān (the Most Merciful)
  56. al-Wāqi‘ah (the Inevitable event)
  57. al-Hadīd (Iron)
  58. al-Mujādalah (the Quarrel)
  59. al-Hashr (the Gathering)
  60. al-Mumtahinah (the Woman to be examined)
  61. as-Saff (Battle array)
  62. al-Jumu‘ah (Friday, the Congregation)
  63. al-Munāfiqūn (the Hypocrites)
  64. at-Taghābun (Mutual loss and gain)
  65. at-Talāq (Divorce)
  66. at-Tahrīm (Prohibition)
  67. al-Mulk (Dominion)
  68. al-Qalam (the Pen)
  69. al-Hāqqah (the Concrete reality)
  70. al-Ma‘ārij (the Ways of ascent)
  71. Nūh (Noah)
  72. al-Jinn (the Jinn)
  73. al-Muzzammil (Folded in garments)
  74. al-Muddaththir (the Enwrapped)
  75. al-Qiyāmah (the Resurrection)
  76. al-Insān (Man)
  77. al-Mursalāt (the Emissaries)
  78. an-Naba’ (the News)
  79. an-Nāzi‘āt (Those who pull)
  80. ‘Abasa (He frowned)
  81. at-Takwīr (Shrouding in darkness)
  82. al-Infitār (the Cleaving asunder)
  83. al-Mutaffifīn (Dealing in fraud)
  84. al-Inshiqāq (the Splitting asunder)
  85. al-Burūj (the Zodiac)
  86. at-Tāriq (That which seems at night)
  87. al-A‘lā (the Most High)
  88. al-Ghāshiyah (the Overwhelming event)
  89. al-Fajr (the Dawn)
  90. al-Balad (the City)
  91. ash-Shams (the Sun)
  92. al-Layl (the Night)
  93. ad-Duhā (the Forenoon)
  94. ash-Sharh (the Opening up)
  95. at-Tīn (the Fig)
  96. al-‘Alaq (the Hanging mass)
  97. al-Qadr (Determination)
  98. al-Bayyinah (the Clear evidence)
  99. az-Zalzalah (the Earthquake)
  100. al-‘Ādiyāt (Those that run)
  101. al-Qāri‘ah (Rattling violent jerk and thunder)
  102. at-Takāthur (Piling up)
  103. al-‘Asr (the Time)
  104. al-Humazah (the Slanderer)
  105. al-Fīl (the Elephant)
  106. al-Quraysh
  107. al-Mā‘ūn (Things of common use)
  108. al-Kawthar (the Abundance)
  109. al-Kāfirūn (the Unbelievers)
  110. an-Nasr (Help)
  111. al-masad (the Twisted strands)
  112. al-Ikhlās (Purity)
  113. al-Falaq (the Fission)
  114. al-Nās (Men)
  1. الْفَاتِحَة
  2. الْبَقَرَة
  3. آل عِمْرَان
  4. النِّسَآء
  5. الْمَآئِدَة
  6. الْأَنْعَام
  7. الْأَعْرَاف
  8. الْأَنْفَال
  9. التَّوْبَة
  10. يُوْنـُس
  11. هُوْد
  12. يُوْسُف
  13. الرَّعْد
  14. إِبْرَاهِيْم
  15. الْحِجْر
  16. النَّحْل
  17. الْإِسْرَاء – – بَنِيْ إِسْرَآءِيْل
  18. الْكَهْف
  19. مَرْيَم
  20. طهٰ
  21. الْأَنْبِيَآء
  22. الْحَجّ
  23. الْمُؤْمِنُوْن
  24. النُّوْر
  25. الْفُرْقَان
  26. الشُّعَرَآء
  27. النَّمْل
  28. الْقَصَص
  29. الْعَنْکَبُوْت
  30. الرُّوْم
  31. لُقْمَان
  32. السَّجْدَة
  33. الْأَحْزَاب
  34. سَبـَا
  35. فَاطِر
  36. يٰس
  37. الصَّافَّات
  38. ص
  39. الزُّمَر
  40. غَافِر – – الْمُؤْمِن
  41. فُصِّلَت – – حٰم السَّجْدَة
  42. الشُّوْرٰی
  43. الزُّخْرُف
  44. الدُّخَان
  45. الْجَاثِيَة
  46. الْأَحْقَاف
  47. مُحَمَّد
  48. الْفَتْح
  49. الْحُجُرَات
  50. ق
  51. الذَّارِيَات
  52. الطُّوْر
  53. النَّجْم
  54. الْقَمَر
  55. الرَّحْمٰن
  56. الْوَاقِعَة
  57. الْحَدِيْد
  58. الْمُجَادَلَة
  59. الْحَشْر
  60. الْمُمْتَحِنَة
  61. الصَّفّ
  62. الْجُمُعَة
  63. الْمُنَافِقُوْن
  64. التَّغَابُن
  65. الطَّلاَق
  66. التَّحْرِيْم
  67. الْمُلْکّ
  68. الْقَلَم
  69. الْحَآقَّةّ
  70. الْمَعَارِج
  71. نُوْح
  72. الْجِنّ
  73. الْمُزَّمِّل
  74. الْمُدَّثِّر
  75. الْقِيَامَة
  76. الْإِنْسَان – – الدَّهْرّ
  77. الْمُرْسَلاَت
  78. النَّبَاّ
  79. النَّازِعَات
  80. عَبَسَّ
  81. التَّکْوِيْرّ
  82. الْإِنْفِطَار
  83. الْمُطَفِّفِيْن
  84. الْإِنْشِقَاقّ
  85. الْبُرُوْجّ
  86. الطَّارِق
  87. الْأَعْلیٰ
  88. الْغَاشِيَة
  89. الْفَجْر
  90. الْبَلَد
  91. الشَّمْس
  92. اللَّيْل
  93. الضُّحٰی
  94. الشَّرْح – – الْإِنْشِرَاح
  95. التِّيْن
  96. الْعَلَق
  97. الْقَدْر
  98. الْبَـيِّـنَة
  99. الزَّلْزَلَة – – الزِّلْزَال
  100. الْعَادِيَات
  101. الْقَارِعَة
  102. التَّکَاثُر
  103. الْعَصْر
  104. الْهُمَزَة
  105. الْفِيل
  106. قُرَيْش
  107. الْمَاعُوْن
  108. الْکَوْثَر
  109. الْکَافِرُوْن
  110. النَّصْر
  111. الْمَسَد – – اللَّهَب
  112. الْإِخْلاَص
  113. الْفَلَق
  114. النَّاس