Sura al-‘Ādiyāt
June 24, 2013
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1. By the charging horses that gallop (in the battlefield) and pant,
2. And those that produce sparks striking their hoofs on rocks,
3. Then they attack (the enemy) at dawn,
4. And then raise clouds of dust from the point (of attack),
5. And then simultaneously pierce into (the enemy) ranks,
6. Indeed, man is most ungrateful to his Lord,
7. And verily, he is himself a witness to this ingratitude.
8. And indeed, he is quite stubborn in his love of wealth.
9. But does he not know when those (dead) in the graves will be raised,
10. And secrets which are in hearts will be disclosed?
11. Indeed, their Lord will be Well Aware of their (deeds) on that Day.